Thursday, February 27, 2020

International finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

International finance - Essay Example Business entities are incorporated to cater need of some segment. The ultimate goal of any company is earning profits so that in can be further utilized to widen up the scope of that business operations. Any living being is in need to have oxygen for the survival. In the same way, any business entity must be provided with cash for its existence. The major sources of finance for any firm are equity and debt. Debt finance is raised from various financial institutions, with the commitment to repay it back after a horizon with some specific interest rate. To go for equity finance, the company has to enlist its shares in some registered stock exchanges. Fund is raised automatically when people starts buying those shares from the exchange. In exchange of the shares, the shareholders expect returns or benefits from the company under consideration. This is termed as shareholders wealth. In perfect market condition, the performance of any company and so as the shareholders wealth is not effected by any external market forces. As for example, the smaller companies do not change the market forces significantly, so they are into an almost perfect market situation. Shareholder’s wealth is of great importance for imperfect market where market forces are largely determined by competition. Any changes in the form of customer perception, economic condition, performance of the company under consideration, competitors move are largely reflected into the share prices. Company due course of its operation generates revenue. One way of creating value for the shareholders is directly transfer the revenue amount to the shareholders in the form of dividends without thinking about the contribution of others in the profit. This is an irrelevant technique for value generation. If this policy is employed the company will lose trust from all of its stakeholders other than shareholders. Companies announce its performance

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Week3 Ethical Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week3 Ethical Decision Making - Essay Example They are victims of office gossip because they were being talked about behind their backs by their other co-workers. Their reputations have already been tarnished because of the gossip being spread by Sharkey. Sharkey does not gain anything in spreading the gossip because even if he has evidence to prove it, he should have gone to the HR and discussed the issue instead of talking to his co-workers about it. The HR will be in a better position to investigate the matter. HR should handle the problem because they can directly confront both Cypher and Sharpe without being subjective. They will be more objective in handling the case unlike Sharkey who has an ax to grind against Sharpe because she got the promotion he wants. Applying the second question of Professor Badaracco, one sees that the rights of Cypher and Sharpe have been violated. Sharkey’s right to question the promotion is something which he can exercise but he must go through the proper channels. The proper channel is to go to the HR department and raise his concern to them. He can also go to his immediate supervisor to ask the reasons why Sharpe was promoted instead of him. Assuming that Cypher and Sharpe has no relationship as construed by Sharkey and the HR is faced with a decision of whether to fire Sharkey as proposed by Sam, the HR should weigh the consequences of its decision. As Professor Badaracco suggested, it should be guided by the question of â€Å"what will work in the world as it is?† (2002). The HR should resolve the issue by taking into account its decision’s effect on the organization as a whole and how its decision will impact on all the concerned individuals. If the other office workers will find out that the promotion of Sharpe is due to her relationship with Cypher, then the morale of the other office workers will be affected. They will think negatively of management because of the questionable criteria for